

What is an interview? The interview is your chance to display your knowledge, skills and expertise and a chance for the employer to get to know you. Interviews can be over the phone, face-to-face or via video conference. It is an opportunity for both you and the employer to get to know each other and determine if there is a good fit between your skills and expertise and the employer’s needs.

Interview Tips

* Research the organization- what is their mission? What are their values? What is important to them?

*Research the person interviewing you- you can utilize google, LinedIn, etc. Find out what they have done in the past and their areas of expertise.

*Practice your responses to common interview questions. Compass Career Counselors can help you determine how best to answer common interview questions and help you practice.



Contact Us

Compass Career Counseling

San Diego, CA 92124




Phone: 619 917-8746


Office Hours

Available Monday-Saturday by appointment.



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